Saturday, February 6, 2010

Brianne, Diana, Flora & Lindsay

We are heading off to Wa in the wee hours of the morning (hopefully!). Hopefully because we have tried to buy the tickets four times and everytime we head to the bus depot the conductor isn't there to write out our tickets or we were too early to buy the tickets... Atleast we were able to get our names on a list after waking up at 5am and trecking to the bus depot to get on the list. Interestingly enough, the bus depot is just as lively at 5am as it is at 3pm. Taxis blaring their horns, people are calling out to get your attention to buy their products and busses are being loaded with people and bags. Bags are somewhat of a loose term because we have seen fridges and freezers being loaded onto the tops and bottoms of busses.

Every morning in Tamale we have woken up to the Muslims chanting their prayers at 430am. It is intriguing to listen to because it kind of sounds like they are singing but they arent. Its very loud and can be heard from a few blocks away even if you are wearing ear plugs.

Ghana has been pretty good to us so far. Despite the power outages and bucket showers, we are very happy to be here and love the hospitality that we have received. We look forward to updating more when we head to Wa because right now we are all having similar experiences as we are all in one place.

Take care and Hope things are going well with everyone :)

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