Sunday, March 17, 2019

We've Arrived.....

We are safely now in Ghana.  After a 4 hour delay getting out of Vancouver, we stayed overnight in London and arrived in Accra late Wednesday.

All of the students are managing.....all of it....
The sights....sounds....smells...the experiences that are new....and at times overwhelming....
The heat...the humidity....the heat rashes....
The chaos of a huge urban centre (Accra), and two very long days on the bus to bring us here to Tamale.  We are settled now.

To everyone back home....thank you for sharing your people with me. I will take good care of them.

Huge Rainstorm near Kumasi

The students have met the first branch of our extended Ghanaian family and are excited (anxious, nervous, and maybe a bit scared) to start into practice.

Life is Good.  And all is well.
Their first posts will be coming soon.  Stay tuned.

Jeanette Vinek
Senior Instructor
UBC Okanagan

They're still smiling....


  1. So proud of you all! Christie I am there, holding up a sign at every mile and especially at the top of the hill at the half way point. We love you guys

  2. Yay!!! I love me a Ghanaian rain storm. Hi to everyone!!! Hugs and kisses to you Jeanette, and Mara and of course all of the Yakong clan! Can't WAIT to hear more on the blog here!!! I hope clinical will be off to a good start this year. Love you all. Xoxoxox


  3. Sending all our light and love from back home! Soak it all in for us🤗🤗
